
Every moments that I spend with my children is a blessing from Allah. Inshaa Allah I will try to stick around as long as I could through out their childhood, loving and guiding them all along the way. Hopefully they will remember me, their only mother, when they lead their own life.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Treasure Basket

Okay, this one is for your little baby to play. Once your baby is able to sit and hold things, she can definitely start to explore things and try to make sense everything around her. Get a low basket or box (well I'm not using a low one but I made it low for her :)) and fill it with lots of interesting household objects or things from nature. You can put almost anything inside but make sure it is safe for your baby and large enough not to be swallowed and also free from sharp edges. Because they will probably be mouthed by your young eager explorer.

A treasure basket should create a sense of wonder, surprise and discovery. Gather things which has distinctly different characteristics; shape, color, weight, texture and smell. Infants and toddlers use all of their senses. To them, everything is new and exciting discovery. The treasure basket can entertain young children for long periods of time. With infants, keep in mind that it is very stimulating, so is best offered when your baby is rested and alert. When she is first exploring the basket it is best not to say a word -  just select an object, carefully examine it, and put it back in the basket. Your baby might reach for it as soon you put it down. 

Your baby will use all of her senses during this time; tasting, looking, hearing, touching, exploring and smelling.

Older toddlers might enjoy the treasure basket too - just keep introducing new objects.

Mashaa Allah she is really exploring. Enjoy, Umamah! :)

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